ZBT GmbH (Zentrum für Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH)

/ Presentation

ZBT is a publicly funded research institute with a focus on fuel cells and hydrogen. Concentrating on hydrogen-based mobility, ZBT develops, qualifies, and optimizes the required hydrogen infrastructure. Thereby, the entire value chain, from production to the application of hydrogen, including efficient and safe distribution and hydrogen refuelling station concepts. ZBT has over 20 years of expertise in fuel cells and hydrogen R&D and offers its customers support for publicly funded as well as privately funded projects.
At the hydrogen test field, ZBT is able to provide a HRS research and test platform under real conditions. Recent work addressed different HRS configurations (e.g. different storage and refuelling pressure levels, booster and overflow refuelling, different pre-cooling variants), as well as refuelling protocol qualification and testing, development and characterization of components, and single tank and tank systems qualification.

/ Main tasks in RHeaDHy

Within this project ZBT will be one of two sites to implement to complete refuelling line and run an extensive test campaign. For this ZBT will expand the hydrogen refuelling test station of the hydrogen test field for being capable of subsequently testing the components of the entire high-flow HD refuelling and the application of HD refuelling protocols.


/ Website

/ Contact

Christian Spitta – c.spitta@zbt.de

Lukas Willmeroth – L.Willmeroth@zbt.de

/ Key people on the project


Christian Spitta, Dr., administrative lead for ZBT on the RHeaDHy project, is the head of department for hydrogen infrastructure at ZBT, which operates the hydrogen test field and the hydrogen quality laboratory (Hy-Lab). With over 20 years of experience in the fields of gas processing, fuel cells, and hydrogen, he is recognized as an expert in his field. He actively contributes to the development of ISO standards within ISO TC 197, with a focus on hydrogen quality, quality control, and sampling. He brings an extensive background of publicly funded research projects (e.g. PRHYDE, MetroHyVe 2) to the RHeaDHy project.


Lukas Willmeroth is a project engineer and technical coordinator at the hydrogen test field. He has been involved in the planning, construction, and operation of the test field from the beginning. With a background in environmental engineering as well as mechanical engineering, he brings six years of experience in hydrogen to the project. He is a member of ISO TC 197 WG5 and WG24, which focus on hydrogen refuelling and refuelling protocols. Within the RHeaDHy project, he is the technical project leader for ZBT and has the lead on Workpackage 5.


Alexander Kvasnicka is a research engineer at ZBT with significant experience in the fields of gas processing, ammonia, and hydrogen. He is one of ZBT’s leading technical experts, with over 20 years in the company. As part of the team at the hydrogen test field, he is responsible for operation and project management. Within the PRHYDE project, he was responsible for the realization of the test campaign and the protocol validation. In RHeaDHy, he will be part of ZBT’s project team and support the efforts with his experience.


Marin Frank has been with ZBT for around two years and is part of the team at the hydrogen test field. As a project engineer, he is working on different projects for ZBT, most recently PRHYDE, HRS-Modell, and InnoKomp. His project experience as well as his background in energy technology and chemical engineering qualify him for his role within RHeaDHy, where he’ll support the technical work on ZBT’s side and play a key role in executing the test campaign.